History of Detergent Pods

1962: Colgate-Palmolive Action bleach pouches
A bleach that introduced U.S. consumers to a completely new mode of laundry product delivery. Using a pouch fashioned from a water-soluble film to dispense a single dose of chlorinated bleach, Action made whitening clothes quick and spill-free. Product flopped.

1965:  Proctor & Gamble Salvo laundry detergent tablets
Gone by the 1970's.

1980s: Proctor and Gamble's Cheer Power pouches
a single-dose laundry paste packaged in a water-soluble film, but it went nowhere.

1990's: European detergent makers (Henkel AB) launch laundry tablets (Persil)

2006: Cot N' Wash introduces Dropps in U.S. market

2012: Tide introduces PODS