20 kids bite into a toxic laundry detergent pod everyday
Unfortunately, instead of being rewarded with a yummy taste of candy, as the packaging might indicate, 20 toddlers per day are ending up at the hospital with digestive, skin, and respiratory injuries. As laundry detergent pods or capsules become more popular, this new danger has been introduced into U.S. households. These highly concentrated, candy-colored detergent packets have quickly rocketed their way to the top of household dangers, at least in cases where there are children under 5 years old or older adults with dementia. The brightly colored, sweet smelling pods are easy to mistake for something edible.
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Find out about the evolution of laundry detergent pods from 1950 to present.
“Soon as they pop that container, it squirts into the back of their throat and it’s game over.”
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April 29, 2016
WSB-TV Atlanta reports on Dangerous Laundry Pods
"Some children mistake the brightly colored pods for candy and accidentally eat them or inhale them"
July 28, 2015
Since laundry detergent pods were introduced commercially in the United States in 2012, approximately 33,000 children have been involved in accidental exposures to the harsh chemicals inside the colorful, soft plastic pods.
This year, 2015, Proctor & Gamble and Sun Products announced that they finally plan to add a bitter tasting agent to the exterior of the pod packaging.
Read the article on io9.com
July 16, 2015
Washington Post
Laundry detergent pods are a poison risk for children
Consumer Reports is urging that households where children younger than 6 years old live or visit avoid liquid detergent pods, warning that the youngsters may mistake them for candy or toys and bite them or otherwise become exposed to the chemicals inside.
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June 30, 2015
Detergent Makers to Add Bitter Substance to Laundry Pods
Several U.S. makers of concentrated laundry-detergent packets will soon coat the product in a foul-tasting substance, the latest in a series of measures aimed at reducing the poisoning risk to young children.
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Founded in 1950, Kreindler & Kreindler LLP (www.kreindler.com) maintains offices in New York, Boston and Los Angeles.
Long regarded as the first and most prominent aviation law firm in the nation, Kreindler and Kreindler, LLP has expanded its expertise, work ethic, and powerful trial skills into a major nationwide litigator in defective consumer products, medical devices and pharmaceuticals.
The firm has recovered billions of dollars for its clients.